Two People Killed In The McKinney Wildfire That Burns Out Of Control In Siskiyou County
Authorities say two bodies have been found inside a burned vehicle in the path of a raging California wildfire that is one of several major blazes burning across Northern California.
Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Headed To The Golden State For Climate Change And Infrastructure
The mix of fires, drought, and even record rainfall in some parts of California are taking a toll on the state's infrastructure. But, a new federal program unveiled last week, could funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to the Golden State to help safeguard its roads and bridges.
Reporter Caleigh Wells, KCRW
California Health Officials Not Ready To Declare A Statewide Emergency For Monkeypox
The State of California has reported nearly eight hundred cases of Monkeypox - the majority in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Eleven people in California have been hospitalized - but, no one has died. So, health officials in California say they don't see the need - at least not yet - to declare a statewide emergency over the Monkeypox virus....similar to the local one declared by the city of San Francisco last week.
New Kaiser Study Says Adults With Young Kids Could Provide Some Protection Against Severe COVID Illnesses
Researchers compared more than half million adults - and found that those without children were 49 percent more likely to be hospitalized-and 76 percent more likely to be admitted to an ICU - than those with young kids at home.
School In The Inland Empire Plans To Move Because Of Influx Of New Warehouses
Another large warehouse complex is slated for Southern California’s Inland Empire… which is east of Los Angeles. The region is home to over a billion square feet of warehouses. One of the latest proposed warehouses would be next door to an elementary school in the small community of Bloomington in San Bernardino County. So, they're planning to move...
Reporter Jonathan Linden, KVCR
A New Public Housing Project In Southern California Is Like No Other
It's called Jordan Downs and it's located in L.A.'s Watts community. This big public housing project is in the midst of a decades-long, one billion dollar transformation. When done, it will more than double the number of people living there. Its also supposed to show the potential of public housing….if done right.
Reporter Saul Gonzalez, The California Report