L.A. County Vaccination Sites Having Trouble Filling Appointments
Health officials said they're worried about the lack of demand for doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, which has dropped significantly this week. Many California counties are experiencing similar issues as supply of the vaccines is outweighing demand.
Sea Otters Helping California's Underwater Kelp Forests
California’s underwater kelp forests are in trouble. A combination of climate change and hungry purple sea urchins have decimated these vital marine habitats. But the Monterey Peninsula has a kind of kelp forest guardian -- sea otters.
Reporter: Erika Mahoney, KAZU
Disneyland Opens for First Time in More Than a Year
Disneyland and Disney California Adventure opened to guests Friday for the first time in more than 13 months. The parks have COVID-19 safety protocols in place and are limiting capacity to 25% for now.
Guest: Gavin Doyle, Founder of the website MickeyVisit.com
Vaccinations Made Easier for Older Teens in L.A. County
Everyone 16-and-up is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine -- and it’s now easier for older teenagers in L.A. County to get the shot. They can now bring a signed consent form with them, rather than have their parents there in person.
Reporter: Jackie Fortier, KPCC
May Day Protests to Call on Congress to Act on Immigration
Immigration rights activists in California and across the country are planning marches Saturday to call on Congress to legalize millions of unauthorized immigrants in the country.
Reporter: Tyche Hendricks, KQED