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Uber Drivers Sue Over Pop Up Messages Soliciting Support for Prop 22

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Uber and Lyft have spent nearly $100 million combined in support of Prop. 22. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

Uber Drivers Sue Over Pop Up Messages Soliciting Support for Prop 22

The lawsuit identifies three messages in the Uber app that began popping up in August. One asked drivers to vote for Prop 22, which would legalize contractor status for gig workers.
Reporter: Sam Harnet, KQED 

Creative Economy Slammed by Coronavirus Pandemic, New Study Shows

A study out this week from Otis College of Art and Design found the creative economy has been slammed by the coronavirus pandemic. The downturn is particularly affecting Southern California.
Reporter: Caleigh Wells, KCRW 

How California Latinos Are Mobilizing to Get Out the Vote

Nearly a million California Latinos have already voted, but the raw numbers are not the whole story, because Latinos are nearly a third of the state’s eligible voters. And a lot of folks are working to ensure they can flex that political muscle. 
Reporter: Farida Jhabvala Romero, KQED

U.S Government Told to Do More to Reunite Children Seperated from Parents

In court in San Diego on Thursday, federal Judge Dana Sabraw said he wants to see more coordination from the government in finding the parents of 545 families that were separated at the border. This comes as part of a status conference meant to enforce the settlement that was supposed to stop the government’s “family separation” policy along the border.
Reporter: Max Rivlin Nadler, KQED

Federal Court Blocks Federal Effort to Exclude Unauthorized Immigrants from Census

A federal court in San Jose has blocked the Trump administration’s effort to exclude unauthorized immigrants from the census population count used to distribute Congressional seats among the states.
Reporter: Tyche Hendricks, KQED

West Hollywood Could Name Official “Drag Laureate”

The West Hollywood City Council is eyeing the creation of an official “drag laureate” who would serve as an ambassador to local businesses.
Reporter: Danielle Chiriguayo, KCRW


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