But journalist Robert Evans, who writes for Bellingcat, an online investigative platform, describes some corners of 8chan as “a neo-Nazi gathering place on the Internet where young men try to convince each other to commit acts of terrorism.”
Shortly after the deadly Chabad synagogue shooting, a user posted a joke on 8chan’s /Pol/ community. /Pol/ stands for politics, but this is an extreme right-wing, racist community. The joke is a before-and-after picture. The before picture is a goofy-looking white guy. The after picture is presumably the same guy dressed in SWAT gear and busting in through a door with a weapon.
Evans says that’s precisely the goal of /Pol/ — to radicalize users. Community members offer tips on weapons, discussions about the best translated version of “Mein Kampf” and pictures of mass shooters portrayed as saints.
“There’s a lot of these people trying to prepare for what they believe is the inevitable coming race war,” Evans explains about /Pol/. “And also a lot of these people [are] trying to spark a race war by convincing other people to carry out attacks.”
NPR reached out to 8chan for comment but got no answer.
It would be easy to dismiss the site as just another chat room for extremists. But Evans says it’s no accident that both the alleged Christchurch mosque shooter and the Chabad synagogue shooter were on 8chan.
“You look back in 2006, 2007, when you had neo-Nazis or KKK members gather — 20 people would be a large gathering,” Evans says. “The movement was sputtering on empty. And then you get to the point when, in 2017, hundreds were marching in Charlottesville. That is not a coincidence. The internet is creating these people.”
Whether the internet is creating hate groups or just serving as a gathering place, one thing has become clear: What happens online doesn’t stay there.