After the Breakup, Making Room for the Dog, the Cat — and Your Ex?
Breakups are never pleasant. But what if you still have to live with your ex after calling it quits? That’s something a lot of people in the most expensive cities in California may have to face, thanks to increasingly high housing costs. Bianca Taylor brings us one woman’s story. TT: 3:35
One Gene Makes Me Painfully Sensitive to Rejection. Now What?
Why are some of us painfully sensitive to rejection? Well, it turns out, we can’t help it. It’s science! Lisa Cantrell is a psychologist and a professor at Sacramento State. She’s also one of those people who cries into her pillow for months after a bad breakup. She did some digging to find out why. TT: 4:45
Why Remembering a Last Kiss is as Important as Remembering a First
Close your eyes and think about the first time you kissed someone special. Now try to remember a last kiss. That’s much harder, right? The end of a relationship with a lover or friend can be painful, awkward or sad, and more often than not, it’s something you’d rather forget. KQED’s Chloe Veltman has been asking Californians to share their last kiss stories. TT: 6:39
From ‘Remember Me’ to ‘Black Coffee In Bed’: Our California Breakup Playlist
Sometimes, music can help mend a broken heart. Over the last few weeks, we've been asking our listeners to leave us a voicemail with their favorite breakup song, and tell us how it got them through a split. People responded with many touching stories and wildly different songs. We've compiled them into a California breakup playlist for your post-Valentine's Day pleasure. TRT: 9:50