Breakups are never pleasant. But having to live with your ex after you break up? That’s something that a lot of people in the Bay Area have to face, thanks to increasingly high rent.
People like Oakland resident, Michelle, who didn’t want us to use her last name because she still cares about her ex and didn’t want to hurt his feelings. After all, they dated for 12 years. Even though they weren’t married, she says “it felt like a marriage.”
At one point, they moved into a beautiful one-bedroom apartment in Oakland near Lake Merritt. It had hardwood floors, natural light and plenty of space for both of them — plus their dog and cat. Best of all, rent was relatively affordable to split.
But eventually, things started to go south. Michelle says the elements that were at first different and exciting in their relationship just lost their shine.
“It wasn’t some massive, horrible, knock down drag out breakup,” she says. “It was just a gradual waning of feelings for each other.”
Her ex offered to move out. But when he looked for places to move into, he couldn’t find anything affordable. Michelle had always made more money than he did, so in the meantime, they decided to go from boyfriend and girlfriend to housemates. In their one-bedroom apartment.