Feinstein's Office Receives Threats Amid Kavanaugh Controversy
According to a spokesman, Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office has received threats of bodily harm, some aimed at specific staff members. Feinstein is pressing the FBI to reopen its investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who's accused of sexual assault by California professor Christine Blasey Ford.
Beverly Hills City Council Endorses an Expansion to Rent Control
The council voted unanimously this week to endorse Proposition 10, a statewide ballot measure that would give local governments more of a say in how high your rent can go.
Reporter: Benjamin Gottlieb
Los Angeles Tenants Protest the Eviction of an Elderly Couple
An apartment complex in L.A.'s Westlake neighborhood was the site of a showdown this week between resident and sheriff's deputies, who were set to evict an elderly couple from the building.
Reporter: Matt Tinoco
Could a Blue Wave Wash Over Orange County?
Democrats' hopes for winning control of the House could depend on flipping some seats in California. But for Democrats to win in this diverse county, it might take a little luck.
Reporter: Scott Shafer
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Restricting Plastic Straws
The bill will prohibit sit-down restaurants from automatically giving customers plastic straws in their drinks. Beginning next year, diners at full service restaurants will have to ask for straws if they want them. It's one of dozens of laws signed by Governor Brown this week.
Reporter: Katie Orr
Street Vending is Decriminalized in California
Members of the LA Street Vendors Campaign celebrated this week when Governor Brown signed a bill that decriminalizes street vending on sidewalks across the state.
Reporter: Paulina Velasco
Want a Sugary Drink With Your Happy Meal? You'll Need to Ask First
A new law signed by Governor Jerry Brown this week will require restaurant customers who want sweetened beverages to go along with their kids meals, will have to ask for them.
Reporter: Pauline Bartolone
Sheep Dog Trials Take Place in Mendocino County
Sheep dog trials in Northern California have their own, unique flare due to the difficult terrain. These trials started in the Redwood Empire region back in the 1940's. Ranchers in the area needed dogs to help round up sheep from places where people and horses couldn’t easily access.
Reporter: Hope McKenney
San Diego Zoo Sends a Black Rhino to Africa
An eastern black rhino named Eric, born and raised at the San Diego Zoo, has a new home in Tanzania. He's the first captive-born rhino that the zoo has ever been released into the wild.
Reporter: Erik Anderson