Cal Fire Engineer Killed in Thomas Fire Remembered as a Leader
Tomorrow funeral services are scheduled for 32-year-old Cal Fire Engineer Cory Iverson who died last week while fighting the Thomas Fire in Ventura County. Iverson joined Cal Fire in 2009, and was part of a strike team based of out San Diego County.
Reporter: Matt Hoffman
Rounding Up Reindeer: Zoo Prepares to Evacuate as Fire Burns Close
The Thomas Fire on the central coast has forced thousands into evacuation mode, including about 500 residents of the Santa Barbara Zoo. Handlers have evacuated some animals while others are standing ready to move, should the flames draw near.
Reporter: Stephanie O'Neill
U.C. Berkeley Researchers Use Gene Editing to Fight ALS Disease
Researchers at U.C. Berkeley have taken the first step toward a possible cure for "Lou Gehrig's disease."
Reporter: Danielle Venton