Letting Residents Monitor Their Own Air Quality
Depending on where you live in California, clean air is not always something you can count on. San Diego researchers have come up with portable pollution monitors that empower individual citizens to know what's happening in their neighborhoods -- and do something about it.
California History Moment: The Flood of 1862
On December 24, 1861, it began raining in Los Angeles. Not so unusual, except that it kept raining for most of the next four weeks. Rain like that all over the state caused the Flood of 1862, which created temporary inland seas in Orange County and the Central Valley, and forced the new governor of California to go to his inauguration in a rowboat.
Family Business Keeps Holiday Smorgasbords Going
A Berkeley business called Nordic House has been a hub for all things Scandinavian for the past five decades. Particularly during the holiday season, it turns into a gathering spot for hundreds of loyal customers who have shopped here for generations -- to get traditional foods like aebleskiver, lingonberries, herring, lutefisk and the potent drink called Gløgg.