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What's Your Lawmaker Saying About CBO Score on AHCA?

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How Is Your California Lawmaker Reacting to Comey Testimony? (Miranda Leitsinger/KQED)

After the Congressional Budget Office on Wednesday released its long-awaited score on the Republican health care plan that passed the House of Representatives on May 4, KQED gathered reactions from California’s congressional caucus on the analysis.

We asked each of California’s 54 members of Congress — 52 in the House (excluding a vacancy) and the state’s two senators — to comment on the score by the nonpartisan CBO, and aggregated their reactions on social media, too. We included links to their Twitter and Facebook pages where you can see some of their statements, plus additional comments they’ve made.

Whether the Senate will go along with the House legislation is unclear. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has previously said the chamber would first await the CBO score — which includes estimates of the GOP bill’s impact on the federal budget and uninsured Americans — before proceeding.

Dianne Feinstein
“The new Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act is no better than the old plan—23 million Americans still lose health care, Medicaid still gets gutted, premiums will still increase and the richest Americans still reap huge tax cuts.

“This version of the bill, which hasn’t received a single congressional hearing, would devastate millions of families and shred our country’s health care safety net. I’ll do all I can to oppose it.”
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Kamala Harris
“Access to quality and affordable health care in America should be a right, not a privilege. This nonpartisan report makes clear that if the Republican health care bill becomes law, middle class families will pay more for health care, costs for seniors will increase, 14 million more Americans will be uninsured next year, and 23 million more Americans uninsured over the next decade. This bill is nothing short of a disaster.

“Instead of working in a bipartisan, transparent way to lower costs and expand coverage, Senate Republicans have chosen to work in secret behind closed doors, out of view from the American people. A public debate over health care is one the American people need and deserve – doctors, patients, advocates, and stakeholders should all have a seat at the table.

“I will continue to urge my Republican colleagues to open up this process, and reject any bill that will raise costs, reduce coverage, or allow discrimination against women, those with pre-existing conditions, and seniors.”
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House of Representatives
Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale, District 1)
From his office: “The Congressman has not issued a reaction statement at this time. The CBO score has proven to be extremely unreliable in the past. The original CBO score for the ACA assumed that 23 million people would be covered on the exchanges. In 2017, they were off by 12 million people. Patients will have the freedom to choose their own healthcare without the government forcing them to do anything – and it will ultimately lower costs and increase choice for consumers.”
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Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael, District 2)
“VERIFIED: House bill = higher premiums, less coverage, and 23 million more uninsured.”
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John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove, District 3)
“The CBO score for the latest version of TrumpCare confirms what we already knew: the bill is a disaster. 23 million people will lose their health insurance by 2026. Premiums will skyrocket for older, sicker Americans. Insurance will get worse for those who are able to afford it. And many insurance markets could end up destabilized. America’s wealthiest, however, would receive a trillion-dollar tax cut.

Those may be the values of President Trump and Speaker Ryan, but those aren’t American values, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure this bill never becomes law.”
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Tom McClintock (R-Elk Grove, District 4)
Statement requested
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Mike Thompson (D-St. Helena, District 5)
“Despite assurances from Speaker Ryan and the President, today’s CBO score confirms that their reckless repeal of the ACA will leave 23 million more Americans without health insurance. That’s unacceptable. Republicans claimed they would replace the ACA with a better healthcare bill, but instead they drafted and passed a bill that would rip healthcare away from families, allow states to end protections for pre-existing conditions, and let insurers charge seniors more just because of their age. This bill is a disaster, and if the President signs it into law, he will be signing away healthcare for men, women, and children all across the country.”
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Doris Matsui (D-Sacramento, District 6)
“The Congressional Budget Office confirmed today that millions of families would lose health coverage under Trumpcare. House Republicans passed their reckless bill without listening to their constituents about how harmful it would be, and without an independent analysis of its effects.

“Now, we learn that the last minute, backroom changes made to the bill right before passage would still leave Americans behind. Health insurance would be ripped away from 23 million Americans, more than $800 billion would be cut from Medicaid, and people with pre-existing conditions and those nearing retirement age would be charged exorbitantly more.

“This bill will leave American families paying more for less care, and it must be stopped.”
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Ami Bera (D-Elk Grove, District 7)
“As we suspected would force older sicker Americans to pay more for less coverage

confirms what we suspected: would still kick 23 million Americans off their health care.

Nonpartisan experts say would drive up premiums by 20% NEXT YEAR. This will harm millions of hardworking Americans
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Paul Cook (R-Yucca Valley, District 8)
Statement requested
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Jerry McNerney (D-Stockton, District 9)
“Higher costs and fewer Americans covered – as a mathematician, I can tell you this just doesn’t add up.
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Jeff Denham (R-Turlock, District 10)
Statement requested
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Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord, District 11)
Statement requested
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Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco, District 12)
“Today’s devastating CBO score hammers home Trumpcare’s dire consequences for working families and seniors across the country. House Republicans have tattooed themselves with a Trumpcare bill that means higher costs, 23 million hard-working Americans losing coverage, shredding key protections, a crushing age tax and stealing from Medicare.

“If House Republicans have their way, many Americans with pre-existing conditions will be pushed off their insurance and forced into high risk pools with soaring costs and frightening limits on the care they need. Some Americans with pre-existing conditions would no longer be able to afford coverage of any kind. Trumpcare would also gut the essential health benefits for millions of Americans, meaning huge cost increases for basic coverage like maternity care, addiction and mental health treatment, and emergency services. Under Trumpcare, after an illness or injury, many Americans will find they’ve been paying for health coverage that doesn’t cover much at all.

“Trumpcare is a billionaire’s tax cut disguised as a health care bill: one of the largest transfers of wealth from working families to the rich in our history. Despite the pleas of families across America and the urgent warnings of almost every doctors’ and patient group, Republicans are still pushing to enact this moral monstrosity. Democrats in Congress and across the country will continue to fight with all our strength to protect seniors and hard-working families from Trumpcare.”
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Barbara Lee (D-Oakland, District 13)
confirms what we’ve known all along: is cruel, it’s dangerous & it will rip healthcare from 23 MILLION ppl who need it.”
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Jackie Speier (D-Peninsula, District 14)
Statement requested
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Eric Swalwell (D-Dublin, District 15)
Declined to comment.
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Jim Costa (D-Fresno, District 16)
“As I have said before, the American Health Care Act is a bad bill, and it was made even worse by the amendments Republicans added before it barely passed the House along party lines. If passed by the Senate and signed into law in its current form, 23 million Americans will lose their health care coverage, many of them seniors, low-income individuals and families, and veterans. In the San Joaquin Valley, the act will harm hundreds of thousands of our friends and neighbors through drastic cuts to Medi-Cal. Today’s Congressional Budget Office’s score affirms just how toxic this bill will be if it becomes law.

“Although the Affordable Care Act is not perfect, the American Health Care Act as passed by the House three weeks ago is not the answer. We need to work together on a bipartisan basis to find real solutions to the problems in the ACA, solutions which will increase access to quality and affordable health care coverage for all Americans. The American Health Care Act will do just the opposite, as made clear by today’s Congressional Budget Office score.

“Again, I hope the Senate takes seriously the damage this bill would have on our country’s health care system, and either oppose the bill or change it substantially. We simply cannot allow our nation’s health care policy to be another partisan battlefield. We must put the health of our citizens and our country first.”
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Ro Khanna (D-Fremont, District 17)
“Twenty-three million people at risk of losing their health care is 23 million too many. I find it incredibly hard to believe that Republicans in the House voted to pass this health care bill without knowing what was at stake.”
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Anna Eshoo (D-Silicon Valley, District 18)
“The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has once again put out the facts on Trumpcare, and they further confirm how damaging the legislation is.

After the dead-of-night changes by Republicans, the legislation provides less coverage for higher costs, with 23 million Americans projected to lose their health insurance. Essential health benefits will be eviscerated for millions of Americans, creating huge cost increases for basic coverage such as maternity care, addiction and mental health treatment, and emergency services. The bill also strips away Medicaid from millions of low-income families and children, and imposes a crushing age tax on older Americans.

“Republican and Democratic Senators alike have said Trumpcare is dead on arrival in the upper chamber. We can only hope it stays that way.”
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Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose, District 19)
“23 million people lose their health care. What more needs to be said?”
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Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley, District 20)
“The most recent analysis of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) by the nonpartisan CBO demonstrates that the majority’s changes to their initial bill were just as detrimental as their first attempt. The CBO reports that this quickly and carelessly crafted legislation will leave 23 million Americans uninsured and increase premiums for those who need health care the most. The AHCA targets every day Americans, including people living with pre-existing conditions, expectant mothers, veterans, and those seeking mental health treatment.

“I remain deeply concerned about the impact that the AHCA would have on the district should it ever pass in its current form in the Senate. I hope that my colleagues in the Senate heed our constituent’s calls for a thoughtful health care plan that helps, not hurts, Americans.”
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David Valadao (R-Hanford, District 21)
“Under the current system, the Central Valley lacks access to quality health care. Costs continue to increase while treatment options and choice decline. By creating a system that encourages competition and puts patients in charge, we will stabilize our health care system. In return, care will improve, costs will go down, and more and more individuals will choose to purchase insurance. While the CBO report doesn’t show the whole picture, it confirms we are on the right path. The American Healthcare Act is just the first step in the process of overhauling our failing health care system and I will continue working to ensure my constituents have access to the best health care possible.”
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Devin Nunes (R- Tulare, District 22)
Statement requested
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Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield, District 23)
“The CBO reports yet again that our plan will keep a promise broke—premiums will go down.”

“Obamacare is broken, leaving millions of Americans with fewer choices and higher premiums. That is why the House took action and passed the American Health Care Act. Our plan will lower premiums, create more health care choices, and refocus programs like Medicaid on helping Americans that need it most. Today, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) affirmed that the multiple layers of work done in the House have produced a bill that meets these principles. The CBO also identified that this bill will reduce the deficit by $119 billion, paving the way for the Senate to do its work to repeal and replace Obamacare.

“What hits Americans the hardest with Obamacare are the rising premiums. In fact, the Department of Health and Human Services just reported that average health insurance premiums on the federal Obamacare exchange’s individual market have doubled since 2013 as Obamacare was nearly fully implemented. Coverage is meaningless if you can’t afford it, and Obamacare’s rising premiums have eaten deep into the budgets of millions of Americans. The CBO reports yet again that our plan will keep a promise Obamacare broke—premiums will go down. Congress must act so that people across the country can pay less for health care coverage and finally get relief from a failing law.”
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Salud Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara, District 24)
“Republicans passed their healthcare repeal in the House weeks ago and today, the CBO confirmed just how harmful this bill is in their stunning analysis report. Next year alone, this plan would leave 14 million Americans uninsured, and many with preexisting conditions forced off their insurance plans by skyrocketing premium costs. My colleagues in the Senate must put the health of the American public over political games and outright reject this cruel piece of legislation.”
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Steve Knight (R-Santa Clarita, District 25)
Statement requested
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Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village, District 26)
“Ripping healthcare away from 23 million Americans and eliminating protections for women’s health may be a win for Republican extremism in Congress but it’s a disaster for the American people.”
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Judy Chu (D-Monterey Park, District 27)
“Thanks to the score, we now know what they’re celebrating: a plan to kick 23 million off insurance & raise premiums for seniors by 800%”
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Adam Schiff (D-Burbank, District 28)
Today, the nonpartisan CBO confirmed that TrumpCare will throw 23 million off their insurance. This ill-considered bill, passed before members could review it or obtain the CBO analysis, increases out of pocket costs, puts caps on coverage, eliminates coverage for those with preexisting conditions, and even imposes an age tax on older Americans. And all of this to give a tax cut some of the country’s wealthiest families.”
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Tony Cardenas (D-San Fernando Valley, District 29)
“Next year, literally NEXT YEAR 14 million more ppl will be uninsured if the Republicans continue ramming thru congress

“Next up in men deciding women’s healthcare…

“Can your grandpa or grandma afford their premium to go up 800 Percent? Can your mom or dad? Can you?

“Ive heard frm a lot of folks that the ban on limits is the 1 thing that kept them from bankruptcy or losing their home.They’re now in danger

“Bottom line: will force Americans to pay more for less. Seniors, working families, and those w/ pre-ex cndtns will be hit hardest.”
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Brad Sherman
(D-Sherman Oaks, District 30)
Statement requested
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Pete Aguilar (D-San Bernadino, District 31)
“This new analysis confirms what we feared: this isn’t a health care bill at all. Trumpcare will strip tens of millions of Americans of health care coverage by eviscerating Medicaid. Inland Empire children and seniors will be forced to pay the price for Republicans’ political games. Americans with pre-existing conditions will be at the mercy of their health insurance companies as to whether they’ll have access to coverage. And middle-class families will be forced to foot the bill so millionaires and billionaires can get a tax break. This is shameful.”
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Grace Napolitano (D-El Monte, District 32)
Statement requested
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Ted Lieu (D-Torrance, District 33)
“We all will die. The AHCA, however, will accelerate it for 23 million people.

“CBO score shows isn’t just a long-term disaster, it would be an immediate disaster. Premiums will rise by 20% in 2018. .”
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District 34: Vacancy

Norma Torres (D-Pomona, District 35)
“The analysis released by CBO comes as no surprise. Just as the first version, the new version of the Republican health plan will leave millions uninsured, provide less coverage, and raise costs for seniors, families, and those with pre-existing conditions. Most troubling for me is that the bulk of the savings come from taking $884 billion out of Medicaid, directly impacting the 300,000 residents of the 35th congressional district who rely on Medi-Cal for their healthcare.

“This whole ordeal has been an exercise in irresponsible governing. In order to pass their bill, Republicans sacrificed basic services like mental health care and prescription drugs and will allow insurance companies to charge more to women and individuals with pre-existing conditions. There’s a reason Republicans didn’t wait for a CBO score to pass their bill; they knew it was just as bad, if not worse, than the original. The American people deserve better. I hope the Senate will be the voice of reason and put a stop to this disaster before it’s too late.”
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Dr. Raul Ruiz (D-Palm Desert, District 36)
“Today’s revised CBO score confirms that the American Health Care Act is devastating to people across the country. 14 million more will be uninsured within a year and 23 million more will be uninsured over a decade. It explains in dire terms how this bill will shift the burden of costs onto seniors, working families, and patients with pre-existing conditions, hitting hardest the people who need care the most, while giving tax breaks to millionaires. This is far too great a toll on the American people.”
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Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles, District 37)
Statement requested
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Linda Sanchez (D-Orange, District 38)
“Republicans recklessly rushed to pass a bill without knowing the impact their legislation would have on our country. What we now know is Republicans voted to kick 23 million Americans off of their insurance. Millions of those who would still have insurance would be covered by stripped down plans, gutted of essential health benefits, that barely provide any protection at all. Even more troubling, is the CBO’s view that under Trumpcare insurance may become unaffordable for people with pre-existing conditions, essentially a death sentence for older and sicker Americans.”

“House Republicans passed a bad bill and now they have to own the consequences of that vote. They put their own politics ahead of the wellbeing of their constituents. Hardworking Americans would be the biggest losers under Trumpcare. For seven years, Republicans said they had the ‘Better Way.’ This CBO report shows the Republican plan is the wrong way for America.”
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Ed Royce (R-Fullerton, District 39)
Statement requested
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Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Los Angeles, District 40)
“BIG NEWS: The ACA repeal would rip away 23 million Americans’ health coverage. I proudly voted against this disgraceful bill.”
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Mark Takano (D-Riverside, District 41)
“The score is in: 3.0 still means 23 million fewer Americans with coverage by 2026. Proud to have voted no.”
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Ken Calvert (R-Corona, District 42)
Statement requested
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Maxine Waters (D-Inglewood, District 43)
Statement requested
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Nanette Barragan (D-San Pedro, District 44)
Statement requested
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Mimi Walters (R-Laguna Niguel, District 45)
Statement requested
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Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana, District 46)
Statement requested
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Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach, District 47)
“The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has again detailed how cruel the GOP healthcare plan is, despite the House GOPs best attempts to make it sound like an improvement. The approved House version from the GOP will result in tens of millions of Americans losing healthcare coverage. According to the CBO, 14 million people in the first year, reaching a total of 23 million by 2026. The CBO estimates that in total, 51 million Americans will be without health insurance by 2026 under the GOP plan. Exactly like the President’s budget released yesterday, the Republican health bill gouges the poor to pay for tax cuts to the rich. Make no mistake, this plan would seriously hurt the people across the country that need healthcare the most. And I could never, and will never, support such a heartless and ill-conceived plan.”
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Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa, District 48)
Declined to comment.
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Darrell Issa (R-Vista, District 49)
Statement requested
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Duncan D. Hunter (R-Lakeside, District 50)
Statement requested
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Juan Vargas (D-San Diego, District 51)
Statement requested
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Scott Peters (D-La Jolla, District 52)
“The Republican healthcare repeal bill puts a huge burden on the backs of working families and seniors to pave the way for a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans. Instead of fixing what isn’t working in our healthcare system, this bill would make it worse: destabilizing insurance markets in some parts of the country, putting health insurance out of the reach of many Americans with pre-existing conditions, and even weakening employer-based plans in states that waive essential health benefits.

“In San Diego, this bill would be particularly hard on our veterans. The drastic cuts to Medicaid would rip the rug out from under thousands of veterans and their families who depend on the program for healthcare. Many veterans aren’t even eligible for the tax credits in this plan, which would make it more difficult for them to afford coverage. Our veterans have earned better than this.

“When you have a healthcare plan that would lead to 23 million fewer Americans having health insurance, is opposed by hospitals, doctors, and nurses, and throws our seniors, veterans, and working families out in the cold, it’s pretty clear that you need to go back to the drawing board. I’m ready to get to work with everyone – Republicans and Democrats – on a real plan to fix our healthcare system.”
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Susan Davis (D-San Diego, District 53)
“The CBO report confirms the fears I have been hearing from my constituents. TrumpCare will still leave millions uninsured, increase premiums, and discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions. It’s not too late for Republicans to join with Democrats and work together to build on the success of the Affordable Care Act.”
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