f you live anywhere long enough, certain local quirks seem normal. In the Bay Area, maybe it’s the unusual belted shape of Sutro Tower. Or the overwhelming noise of a BART train as it travels underneath the bay. Or the mere existence of those brightly colored parrots perched above San Francisco’s Telegraph Hill.
For most of us, these idiosyncrasies and mysteries are like wallpaper: barely noticed and largely unquestioned. But what if we stopped to take a closer look?
KQED’s new podcast, Bay Curious, gets to the bottom of the mysteries — both profound and peculiar — that give the Bay Area its unique identity. And we’ll do it with your help!
You ask the questions. You decide what Bay Curious investigates. And you join us on the journey to find the answers.

Our Bay Curious host is Olivia Allen-Price, a Bay Area transplant who has fallen hard and fast for her new home. Join Olivia to explore the Bay Area, one question at a time.