Prop 8 Ruling: What Does it Mean for Married Couples?
The same court that just a year ago declared same-sex couples had a constitutional right to marry has allowed Proposition 8 to stand. California's Supreme Court, in a 6 to 1 decision, ruled on Tuesday that the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage is valid. But the court also held that the 18,000 same-sex couples that wed before Prop 8 passed are still legally married.
What's Next for Gay Marriage?
Tuesday's ruling by the California Supreme Court virtually guarantees that gay marriage will be back on the ballot before too long. We take a look at the coming campaign.
Emotions Run High for Same-Sex Couples
Yesterday's Supreme Court ruling upholding Prop. 8 sparked a lot of emotions for tens of thousands of gay couples across the state. We spoke to two couples in Silicon Valley about how the decision affects them.