A roundup of response from Bay Area officials to Sunday morning's massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein
“My heart goes out to the victims and families of the terrible terrorist attack in Orlando. The reported death toll currently stands at 50, with an additional 53 wounded. I will work with the White House and Congress to ensure the city of Orlando has all the resources it needs in the wake of this attack.
It’s important now that all the facts are gathered as quickly as possible. I’m monitoring the situation very carefully and I’m in contact with both the intelligence community and the FBI. I have also spoken with Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio. While it remains unclear why this individual conducted this attack, it certainly appears to be an act of terror. What we need to know now is whether the shooter is part of a terror cell or a lone wolf and whether he has connections to terrorists abroad.
In the meantime, the survivors and their families must be well taken care of. Both the city of Orlando and the state of Florida have declared a state of emergency, and the president will soon be addressing the nation. Clearly all necessary resources will be brought to bear.”
Rep. Nancy Pelosi
"Our nation has woken to the agonizing news of the brutal attack in Orlando last night. We are horrified and heartbroken to see such hate leveled at so many people hoping just to spend a night out dancing. Our hearts ache for all those killed in this senseless attack, and we pray for the swift recovery of all those who were wounded.
While many questions have yet to be answered, the pain of this attack in a mainstay of the Orlando LGBT community is surely magnified as our nation celebrates LGBT Pride month.
We will not allow hate and terror to succeed in blinding us with fear. May it be a comfort to the loved ones of those who were killed, and all the people of Orlando, that so many across America are holding them in their thoughts at this terrible time."
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee
"On behalf of the people of San Francisco, I express our deepest sorrow for the people of Orlando and members of our LGBT community after the evil act of terror carried out this morning. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those who have lost their lives by yet another mass shooting. San Francisco stands in solidarity with the community of Orlando and the nation in the aftermath of this terrible day.
This is a stark reminder of the violence that still threatens our LGBT community. Senseless acts of violence against innocents, fueled by hate and easy access to deadly firearms, have become all-too frequent. We must continue to work each day to reduce gun violence and ensure every community is safe.
Profound tragedies and acts of hate again leave us heartbroken, even numb and speechless. But we resolve today, more than ever, that love, strength and unity will always triumph over hate, fear and violence. San Francisco grieves with the people of Orlando, the LGBT community and the nation today."
San Francisco Supervisor Scott Wiener
"Today we mourn for the dozens of people murdered in cold blood due to extreme, violent hatred against the LGBT community. We remember and honor those who perished and those who survived. We send prayers to their family. Let's also recommit to battling and defeating the homophobia and transphobia in this country and around the world that directly leads to this kind of violence. Too many political and religious leaders continue to attack the LGBT community and define us as less than fully part of society. That has to stop. We mourn today. And then we fight. We will win, and love will conquer hate."