A 35-year-old Sacramento man named John Kirkman made news in April when he was arrested for allegedly stealing a decoy bicycle.
The news wasn't so much that he'd been busted for bicycle theft. It was that the police said it was the second time he'd been caught trying to abscond with a "bait bike" -- a two-wheeler parked as an inviting target for would-be thieves.
Now, Sacramento police say Kirkman is a three-time loser, alleging they caught him again trying to boost a bait bike. Things being relatively quiet in the state capital over the weekend -- it's been nearly a month since anyone in the Legislature has pleaded guilty to anything -- Kirkman's latest encounter with the law has gotten both TV and newspaper coverage.
Oh, yes -- and coverage on some Bay Area public media blog as well. Maybe it's slow here, too. However, we're the only ones who will tell you what the tattoo emblazoned on Kirkman's brow says: "Evil Wayz."