Kamala Harris speaks at the California Democratic Convention May 16, 2015. (Marisa Lagos/KQED)
It was milk and cookies versus margaritas and mambo.
The contest for the U.S. Senate is only days old, but already the stark stylistic differences between the two Democratic women vying to replace Sen. Barbara Boxer were on full display at this weekend's California Democratic Party convention in Anaheim.
Supporters of Attorney General Kamala Harris -- known for her cautious and measured political style -- lined up to take pictures and munch on cookies across the plaza from backers of the energetic and somewhat unpredictable U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Santa Ana). Sanchez's party featured pumping Latin music, and a throng of supporters and reporters crowded around her, asking questions and asking her to pose for pictures.
The two women didn't exchange a word, but the burgeoning Senate race was on everyone's mind.
And while Sanchez has already thrown some barbs at her opponent, questioning Harris' lack of foreign policy experience, the issues outlined by both women this weekend were remarkably similar: Economic security. Jobs. Equality.
They're both Democrats, after all.
But their stylistic differences were apparent. Harris' media access was closely controlled, including a news conference at a podium where she took just a handful of questions. Sanchez flitted in and out of caucuses, answering questions throughout the day. She also ignited some controversy when she made a war cry sound with her hand and mouth when talking about Native Americans -- a gesture widely criticized as offensive, and one Sanchez apologized for Sunday.
Whether voters will have serious policy differences to choose between, however, remains to be seen.
When asked about the race at her "Margaritas & Mambo!" reception, hosted by the Young Latino Democrats, Sanchez focused squarely inside our borders.
"It's always about jobs," she said. "For so many of our families, California is just a beautiful place, we have been lucky, we are leading the United States out of the recession. But I have got to tell you, there are a still a lot of people who have lost their homes, who are troubled, who are underemployed. And so we are going to show how we work with the business community to get those good-paying jobs into California."
In her Sunday speech to the convention, Sanchez framed herself as someone from humble beginnings who has not forgotten her roots. She touted her years working on behalf of victims of sexual assault, against human trafficking and her vote against invading Iraq.
And while she apologized for Saturday's stumble, she used the apology to launch a subtle dig at Harris.
"Those of you who don’t hide behind the handlers, you know how hard it can be to put yourself out there day in and day out. Sooner or later we make mistakes, we are all human," she said. "I believe Ms. Harris also has an inspirational story, and I look forward to a good, clean, hard campaign."
Harris hit similar policy themes as Sanchez in a 15-minute speech to the convention, focusing on her work as a career prosecutor helping the state's most vulnerable citizens, and framing criminal justice issues as part of a larger fight for equality.
Supporters of Rep. Loretta Sanchez were busy at the California Democratic Convention. (Marisa Lagos/KQED News)
"I’ll tell you, when we were growing up, we talked about opportunity as a ladder, and that ladder of opportunity described America as a place where anyone could lift themselves up, anyone could reach higher, and everyone has a right to the American dream," she said to cheers.
"And of course, we know what the rungs are on that ladder -- universal public education. Meaningful access to college or a trade. A job that can support a family, the dream of home ownership and the dignity that comes with a secure retirement."
Sanchez knows that one major area setting her apart from Harris is her foreign policy experience -- she's a senior member of both the House Armed Services Committee and the House Homeland Security Committee.
Harris, by contrast, is a career prosecutor who served as San Francisco's district attorney before winning a tough battle to become state attorney general in 2010. No stranger to controversy herself, the 50-year-old daughter of an Indian-American mother and African-American father has sought to set herself apart from the traditional law-and-order prosecutor. She authored a book called "Smart on Crime" and as the state's top cop has focused on broader issues, including school truancy and holding banks accountable for the mortgage crisis. A prolific fundraiser, she's also known as a cautious politician loath to wade into controversial areas that could mark the Senate race.
An early poll showed Harris with decent support, but indicated there are big openings for other candidates.
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