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News Pix: Zimmerman Acquittal Protests, Napolitano Appointed Head of UC and Beach Pianos

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A woman dances in the street in front of a trash can fire set by protesters at 18th Street and Telegraph Avenue in Oakland on Saturday, July 13. Some protesters turned violent in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin trial. (Anna Vignet / San Francisco Public Press)

About 150 people marched through downtown Oakland on July 13, 2013, protesting the acquittal of George Zimmerman for killing unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin last year in Florida. Many marchers were peaceful, but some people broke storefront windows and lit fires in the street. (Alex Emslie / KQED)

As the eastern span of the Bay Bridge enters its final building phase, a new show at the Oakland Museum of California offers 23 stunning photos of the original Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge under construction. Oakland photographer Peter Stackpole was only 20 when he was granted informal access to the bridges, and shot the images between 1934 and 1936. Twenty-three men died while building the bridge. This photo, "Quitting Time," likely shows workers heading home early after one of their colleagues died on the job. (Berkeleyside / Courtesy of Collection of the Oakland Museum of California)

beach piano

Six-year-old Penelope Keep performs at Francis Beach in Half Moon Bay on one of 12 old pianos that artist Mauro Ffortissimo hauled out to the beaches of San Mateo County. (Francesa Segre / KQED)


Wild turkeys are a common site on Berkeley's streets as they forage for food in the urban landscape. It's not often you see so many turkey poults all at once, though. These were spotted on Cornell Avenue near Hopkins Street. (Neil Mishalov / Berkeleyside)

The UC Regents nominated Janet Napolitano to head the University of California system. She accepted the position on Thursday. Many undocumented UC students protested her nomination, upset by her former role as secretary of Homeland Security. (Deborah Svoboda / KQED)

"You're not with it if you're not air-drying your clothes!" was the message conveyed on Wednesday, July 17, when a gigantic clothesline was erected at Berkeley's Civic Center Park. Members of Rising Sun Energy Center's California Youth Energy Services (CYES) program proudly explained the work they've been doing to make Berkeley's community more sustainable. (Julia Hannafin / Berkeleyside)

The largest solar thermal plant in the world will soon start producing power in California's Mojave Desert. The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System will supply both Northern and Southern California, inching the state one step closer to its ambitious renewable energy goal. Ivanpah doesn't use the solar technology most of us think of – those dark silicon panels sitting on rooftops. The project harnesses the sun's heat, reflecting off a field of 170,000 mirrors. They shimmer across a dry, dusty valley about 5 miles from the California-Nevada state line, surrounding three 400-foot concrete towers. (Lauren Sommer / KQED)

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