Myanmar officials have said that at least 22,000 people are dead and hundreds of thousands are homeless after a devastating storm hit Saturday.
- More: How to Help (From the SF Chronicle) – links to relief organizations at the end of the article.
Myanmar officials have said that at least 22,000 people are dead and hundreds of thousands are homeless after a devastating storm hit Saturday.
Richard Horsey, spokesman for the regional United Nations office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Bangkok.
Maureen Aung-Thwin, director of the Burma Project/Southeast Asia Initiative with the Soros Foundation
Josef Silverstein, professor emeritus at Rutgers University and author of "Political Legacy of Aung San" and "Burmese Politics: The Dilemma of National Unity"
Aung Zaw, editor of Irrawaddy, a Burmese-run publication based in Chiang Mai, Thailand