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Encouraging Girls to Face Fear, Take Risks and Seek Adventure

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 (Adam Kubalica / flickr)

When Caroline Paul was a firefighter in San Francisco she was surprised, and insulted, by how often she was asked, “Aren’t you scared?”. It was a question the men weren’t asked. Paul says fear is expected of women, that it’s thought of as a feminine trait. In her new book, “The Gutsy Girl” Paul recounts the wild, and often risky, adventures she’s taken, from scaling the Golden Gate Bridge without ropes, to scuba diving in the dark. She also profiles women who have taken epic adventures and encourages girls to confront fear and take risks. Forum discusses gender differences in risk taking and the value of encouraging an adventurous spirit in girls.


Caroline Paul, author, "The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure"

Simone Marean, executive director, Girls Leadership, a national non-profit based in Oakland.


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