Record-breaking wildfires in recent years as well as heightened concerns over the drought are prompting debate about how best to manage forests to prevent wildfire. A bill pending in Congress would expedite salvage logging of dead trees in national forests. We’ll discuss the legislation and best practices to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire while safeguarding forest ecology.
Federal Wildfire Legislation Sparks Debate on Salvage Logging

(Lauren Sommer/KQED)
Bruce Westerman, U.S. congressman (R, Arkansas) and author of the Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2015
Chad Hanson, director of the John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute
Bill Stewart, co-director of the UC Berkeley Center for Fire Research and Outreach
Tom McClintock, representative, U.S. Congress, 4th district; co-author of the Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2015