Teacher training is critical to student success. But despite high-profile education reforms such as Common Core standards and a new state education funding formula, teacher preparation is still not getting the attention it deserves. That’s one of the conclusions of “Preparing World Class Teachers,” a new study by the education think tank EdSource. We talk to the report’s co-author and other education experts about model programs and the best way to reform teacher preparation and credentialing.
Raising the Bar for Teacher Training

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Louis Freedberg, executive director of EdSource, an independent not-for-profit research and reporting organization
Jessica Taal, Teacher, San Lorenzo High School
Megan Taylor, assistant professor in curriculum studies and secondary education, Sonoma State University; former middle school and high school teacher
Linda Darling-Hammond, professor of education, Stanford University; chair of the California Teacher Credentialing Commission
Betsy Kean, former interim dean of the graduate college of education, San Francisco State University