The United States Postal Service this week announced it will no longer deliver mail on Saturdays, starting this summer. The USPS is deep in the red, and taking Saturdays off is expected to save about $2 billion per year. But will that money be enough to save the postal service? Should it dip into its pension fund, or even privatize? We talk about what options remain for the USPS, and about a local push to save the historic Downtown Berkeley Post Office from being sold.
The Future of the U.S. Postal Service

Gray Brechin, part of the Save the Berkeley Post Office group working to spare the historic downtown building, project scholar for the Living New Deal Project, which aims to document and preserve artwork and other legacies from the New Deal era and visiting scholar at UC's Dept. of Geography
Jesse Lichtenstein, freelance journalist and author of an in-depth feature on the U.S. Postal Service in the February issue of Esquire magazine
Richard Geddes, visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., associate professor in the Department of Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University and author of "Saving the Mail: How to Solve the Problems of the U.S. Postal Service"
James Wigdel, spokesperson for the United States Postal Service