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Human Trafficking Conference

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Human trafficking is one of the fastest-growing criminal enterprises in the world, ranking third behind drug and weapon smuggling. Federal officials say California is one of the top destination sites for smugglers. On Friday, the Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition and Menlo Park Presbyterian Church will open a conference aimed at focusing attention and resources on a campaign to end this illicit trade.


Betty Ann Boeving, event chair for the Freedom Summit and director of the Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition

John Vanek, lieutenant in the San Jose Police Department and program manager of the Human Trafficking Task Force

Annie Fukushima, lead trafficking case manager and program Coordinator for the SAGE Project

David Batstone, president of the Not for Sale Campaign, an international agency dedicated to ending global slavery, author of "Not for Sale: The Return of the Global Slave Trade and How We Can Fight It" and professor of business at the University of San Francisco


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