The end of the year is a time of reflection, and for some, a chance to reassess our priorities. But if the goal is greater happiness, says author and Harvard professor Arthur C. Brooks, we may be going about New Year’s resolutions all wrong. It’s great to try and lose weight or save more money, but research shows that practicing things like forgiveness and gratitude are actually more likely to increase overall happiness, he writes. Brooks joins us to talk about his new book, Build the Life You Want, co-authored with Oprah Winfrey, which offers strategies to increase happiness and well being, even in the face of hardship.
Arthur C. Brooks on How to 'Build the Life You Want' in 2024

Arthur C. Brooks ((Daniel Bayer for the Aspen Institute)
Arthur C. Brooks, professor, Harvard; columnist, The Atlantic; co-author (with Oprah Winfrey) of "Build the Life You Want." His other books include "From Strength to Strength."<br />