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Point Reyes Residents Push for Darker Skies

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night sky with stars
The night sky seen from Highway 1 near Tomales in Marin County, California. (Florian Kainz via Getty Images)

Point Reyes may be known for its cows and lighthouse, but locals also want it to become a destination for darkness. Residents have petitioned to certify part of Marin County as a Dark Sky Reserve. But, persuading some people to dim their lights has turned out to be a challenge. Those efforts are just one part of an international movement to reduce light pollution and preserve dark skies. While the invention of the lightbulb – less than 150 years ago – changed the course of human history, excessive use of artificial light has become a nuisance that disrupts the wellbeing of humans, wildlife, and the planet. We’ll talk about light pollution, stargazing and the benefits of darker skies.


Josh Riedel, author of the novel "Please Report Your Bug Here" and the recent article "Saving the Night Sky," which was published in Esquire magazine<br />

John Barentine, astronomer and founder, Dark Sky Consulting, LLC; former director of public policy, International Dark Sky Association

Peggy Day, Point Reyes Station resident and dark-sky advocate; cofounder, DarkSky West Marin<br />

Don Jolley, astronomy teacher and storyteller, DarkSky West Marin


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