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Toward a Moral Political Economy

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 (Alexander Spatari via Getty Images)

Is it possible to have a capitalist democracy that ensures that all people flourish? One that represents common values, yet respects differences? Professors at Stanford’s Moral Political Economy program are bringing together thinkers from across disciplines to reimagine our political, social and economic systems. We’ll talk about what it would mean to base our political economy on the idea that humans are social beings who mutually benefit from cooperation and reciprocity. What would a moral, equitable world look like?


Margaret Levi, political science professor, Stanford; co-editor, Winter 2023 edition of Daedalus

Henry Farrell, professor of international affairs, Johns Hopkins; co-editor, Winter 2023 edition of Daedalus

Manuel Pastor, professor of Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity, University of Southern California; contributor, Winter 2023 edition of Daedalus

Federica Carugati, history and political economy professor, King’s College; contributor, Winter 2023 edition of Daedalus


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