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Climate Fix: What Does Climate Change Mean for California’s Extreme Weather?

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 (Eric Raptosh Photography via Getty Images)

California has experienced extreme weather whiplash during the past year from bone dry summer days to a flooding wet January. This is our state’s new climate system fueled by global warming. The state is also going through one of the most severe droughts in history. We’ll talk about how the weather we’ve experienced in the past year has factored into our wildfire, drought and flooding issues as part of “Climate Fix: Rethinking Solutions for California,” a collaboration between KQED’s Forum and Science teams. This new, regular series on Forum will explore how climate change is affecting the golden state and the ways Californians are trying to reverse global warming.


Danielle Venton, science reporter, KQED News

Laura Feinstein, sustainability and resilience policy director, SPUR, a San Francisco policy and research organization

Patrick Gonzalez, climate change scientist and forest ecologist Organization: University of California, Berkeley - Patrick is also executive director of the Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity


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