Postpartum depression is not just the province of women. According to studies, about ten percent of men in the United States experience paternal postpartum depression during the first year of their baby’s life. That depression can be expressed as irritability, anger and substance abuse, but it often goes undiagnosed. We talk about the latest research on paternal postpartum depression, the stigma associated with it and how to encourage fathers to seek support.
Paternal Postpartum Depression Is Real. Why Do Some People Think It's Not?

Will Courtenay, therapist; author, Dying to Be Men: Psychosocial, Environmental and Biobehavioral Directions in Promoting the Health of Men and Boys
Craig Garfield, professor of pediatrics, Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Olajide Bamishigbin, health psychologist; assistant professor, California State University, Long Beach
Chris Gibson, family advocate and support group coordinator, Alameda County Public Health Department