On Monday, the first doses of the Pfizer vaccine were administered to healthcare workers in California and several other states. That same day, the death toll from Covid-19 surpassed 300,000 people. According to Dr. Larry Brilliant, CEO of Pandefense and an epidemiologist who helped eradicate smallpox, we are living through “the best of times and the worst of times.” While the vaccine, which was discovered, developed and produced within a year’s time, gives hope that the pandemic will end, experts predict the U.S. death toll will continue to rise unless more steps are taken to put in public health policies on a nationwide basis. We talk to Larry Brilliant about the vaccine, its rollout and what we can expect in the months ahead.
Dr. Larry Brilliant on the Covid-19 Vaccine and What Lies Ahead

Producer Larry Brilliant speaks onstage at the HBO Documentary "Open Your Eyes" Special Screening At The Rubin Museum at Rubin Museum of Art on July 13, 2016 in New York City. (Paul Zimmerman/Getty Images)
Dr. Larry Brilliant, CEO of Pandefense, and chair of Advisory Committee for Ending Pandemics.