Bakari Sellers says the most important day of his life happened before he was even born; February 8 1968 when highway patrolmen opened fire on students protesting segregation in South Carolina, killing 3 and wounding 28, including Seller’s father. Sellers, who became the youngest person to be elected to the South Carolina legislature, writes about how the trauma of the incident permeated his childhood in his memoir, “My Vanishing Country.” Now a lawyer and CNN political analyst, Sellers joins us to talk about the effects of systemic racism and what the killing of George Floyd by police, more than a half a century after his father’s shooting, tells us about the state of America.
Bakari Sellers Reflects on ‘My Vanishing Country’ and Systemic Racism

Bakari Sellers, author of "My Vanishing Country"
Bakari Sellers, attorney, CNN political analyst, former South Carolina state representative and author of "My Vanishing Country"