The Senate Judiciary hearing on sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanuagh have sparked many conversations about sexual violence and trauma, including people speaking about their experience for the first time. The Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN) saw a spike in calls to their hotline during Thursday’s testimony. Forum discusses best practices for having conversations about sexual trauma and what resources are available for survivors and those who want to support them. What conversations are you having about sexual violence and consent? And what questions and concerns did the Kavanaugh hearings raise for you?
Related Links and Resources
- National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline: 800.656.HOPE
- Tri-Valley Haven Hotlines: 925.449.5842 or 800.884.8119
- San Francisco Women Against Rape: 415.647.7273
- Rape Trauma Services in San Mateo County
- A Psychiatrist’s 5 Tips for Dealing With the Kavanaugh Hearing (The California Report)
- Guides for Family & Friends of Survivors (Boston University)
- What Should I Do if I or Someone I Know Was Sexually Assaulted? (Planned Parenthood)
Resources for Parents and Educators