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'Body Full of Stars' Chronicles Postpartum Grief, Rage and Joy

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Author Molly Caro May poses for a portrait. (Photo: Christopher Kautz)

A series of postpartum health complications, compounded with the exhaustion of caring for a newborn, left writer Molly Caro May feeling like her body was betraying her. Like many new mothers, Caro May’s emotions oscillated between shock, sorrow, rage and joy. In her memoir, “Body Full of Stars,” Caro May describes the anger she felt from the medical indignities of childbirth and the toll it took on her body. Caro May joins us to discuss her call for more public discourse about the taxing physical and emotional strains of womanhood.


Molly Caro May, writer; author, "Body Full of Stars: Female Rage and My Passage into Motherhood"


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