Mayor Michael Tubbs has a bit more star power than the average Stockton mayor. Oprah Winfrey donated $10,000 when he ran for the city council, then-President Obama endorsed his bid for mayor, and last Christmas, after defeating incumbent Mayor Anthony Silva, Tubbs was invited to a party at the White House — where he once worked as an intern. He’s also Stockton’s first black mayor. But despite the celebrity endorsements, Tubbs, and Stockton, face challenges. The city has the second-highest rate of violent crime in the state and is only a little more than two years out of bankruptcy. We’ll talk to Tubbs about his first few months in office and what his priorities will be going forward.
Stockton's Fast-Rising Mayor Michael Tubbs

Michael Tubbs is the Mayor of Stockton. (Sara Washington)
Michael Tubbs, mayor, Stockton