Turn down a dark alley in North Beach, say the right password to a man in a trench coat, and a secret world of dice games, blackjack and cabaret singers will appear. The Speakeasy, an immersive theater show that recreates the look and feel of a 1920s Prohibition-era drinking club, is interactive and lets actors and audience commingle at gambling tables and a bar stocked with “bootlegged liquor.” Many guests show up in period clothing, from fedoras to flapper dresses, and cell phones are strictly forbidden. (You can’t get a signal in 1923!) We’ll discuss creating immersive theater with The Speakeasy’s producers and the hurdles to finding a permanent space in San Francisco.
Shh, Don't Tell: 'The Speakeasy' Returns to San Francisco

Jessia Waldman and Rick Roiting as the bartender in "The Speakeasy." (Photo: Peter Liu)