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War Reporter Sebastian Junger Turns Attention to Veterans' Lives at Home

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 (Photo: Tim Hetherington)

Former war reporter Sebastian Junger, who embedded with multiple U.S. military units and earned an Academy-Award nomination for his documentary “Restrepo,” has now turned his attention to what happens when soldiers return home. Junger suggests that American society alienates veterans and exacerbates their PTSD by not supporting them. “The vets aren’t messed up,” Junger says. “We are. We as a society.” Junger talks about his new book, “Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging.”

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RISC (Reporters Instructed In Saving Colleagues)




Sebastian Junger, author, "Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging"; co-directed the documentary "Restrepo," which won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance and was nominated for an Academy Award


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