Discover new ways technology can support student achievement at the CUE National Conference in Palm Springs. CUE is both the largest and oldest educational technology conference in California. For 35 years, it has provided educators, administrators, students, and teachers with opportunities to learn about new technical advancements and ways to integrate technology into the classroom. Visit KQED in the Exhibit Hall and join us for two concurrent session on Thursday, March 16th.
KQED Sessions
Communicating Solutions: Media Making and the NGSS
Thursday, March 16th from 10:00-11:00 AM, Pasadena, Renaissance, AA, NR& MC
Discover how media-making projects help students communicate solutions to real-world problems while addressing NGSS and CCSS. Walk away with tools that will assist you in implementing media-making projects in your classroom.
The Stories That Numbers Tell: Data Visualization in the Classroom
Thursday, March 16th from 12:30 – 1:30 PM, Mesquite B
Learn how to use data visualization tools to provide meaningful opportunities for your students. Engage in collecting and analyzing data sets to share stories with a larger audience of peers and adults.