This weekend a few Bay Area internet food writers are launching their fresh new book, Digital Dish from Press for Change. Yours truly of The Grub Report, Television Without Pity, and Bay Area Bites will be there, but I am only one of many delicious writers represented in the book.
The local writers who will be there to launch Digital Dish are Owen Linderholm of Tomatilla and the man behind Press for Change, Guy Prince of MeatHenge, and Ellen Ferlazzo of Cheap Cooking.
You can order piping hot copies of the book here, and for Bay Area peeps, a few of us are going to be at a book signing/food discussion/food demo on May 21 and May 22.
On Saturday May 21st an author talk and book signing will take place at the Berkeley Farmer's Market at 11:30AM as part of its annual Strawberry Tasting event.