In light of the shelter-in-place order, many of us have resorted to cooking at home, revisiting old recipes and getting creative with our pantries. Instead of our usual Flavors Worth Finding column with recommendations from restaurants, KQED staffers are sharing the meals they’ve been making at home to find some comfort and grounding during uncertain times.
You know that honeymoon phase, the one they say newlyweds have for the first year of marriage? That blissful state of nesting and enjoying married life is a little different in 2020. Writing this, it's been 128 days since I rounded the marital fire and said my vows. February 22 feels like both a distant, vague memory and like last week. The days have melted away during shelter-in-place, and, now, more than half of our honeymoon period has faded. We’ve hunkered down at home, made career moves, burned through all of the good TV, tried and failed at sourdough, witnessed uprisings for racial justice, grappled with finances, gained the Covid-15(+), used every one of our registry kitchen gadgets, felt paralyzed and questioned how to do more, celebrated our first Loving Day as a married couple, postponed our honeymoon indefinitely and cooked until we couldn’t cook anymore.

Let’s back up, though. In my partner’s family, we are one of two couples in interracial marriages. And our marriages happened a week apart. Zak and myself on Feb. 22, and his cousin Grayson and wife Sasha on Feb. 29. We both tied the knot when coronavirus news started to transform from small murmurs to national news.