Nothing screams “Let’s Party!” like a whole mess of fresh donuts. I don’t know too many people who wouldn’t get a very large grin on their faces if presented with these maple bacon donuts. In fact, there could even be marriage proposals.
Made from a yeasted dough, these little bite-sized gems aren’t over-the-top sweet, and the bacon adds a nice salty tone, which pairs beautifully with the maple syrup added to both the donuts and the glaze.
This recipe makes a pile of donut holes, but you can certainly make bigger donuts from this dough if you like. Use a larger round cutter and for classic raised donuts, use a donut cutter. You’ll need to increase the fry time slightly if cooking larger donuts.
If you want to get really crazy, sauté some diced apple (peeled and cored of course) in a little butter, sugar, and cinnamon and add that to the dough with the bacon. I’d probably use about a cup of cooked apple, so maybe 2 apples total.
Any way you make them, these will definitely get the party started.

Recipe: Maple-Bacon Donut Holes
Makes about 56 donut holes