The Noise Pop Podcast team digs up the 10 best tracks currently circulating on the web and serves them on a digital platter for you.
If you’d like to be featured on the podcast next month, leave a voicemail with your favorite track of the year (and why) for our “Best Track of the Year” episode. The number to call is (585) 4NOISE5/(585) 466-4735
1. “Girls Don’t Like Me” — Boy Crush, haunter
2. “Fire” — The Moth and the Mirror, Honestly This World
3. “Moments” — Giraffage, Comfort
4. “How Do I Know” — League, How Do I Know EP
5. “Three Car Garage” — You Won’t, Skeptic Goodbye
6. “I Am the Lion King” — PAPA, A Good Woman is Hard to Find
7. “Nuclear Seasons” — Charlie XCX, Stay Away single
8. “Your Eyes” — Magic City, Little Bits EP
9. “How To Test the Depth of a Well” — Benjamin Shaw, There’s Always Hope, There’s Always Cabernet
10. “Miranda (School of VII Bells Remix)” — Surfer Blood, Tarot Classics EP