For most of us living in California — especially in the Bay Area — worrying about abortion access is still largely theoretical. For most of us, abortion certainly isn’t a daily preoccupation. But in the 26 states where abortion is now either banned or extremely restricted, no such oblivion exists — not for the tens of millions of women, transgender and nonbinary folks affected by the Dobbs decision, and not for the thousands of healthcare providers shackled by the ruling.
Now, two Bay Area doctors want to take us inside the daily realities of physicians around the country who are almost entirely immersed in post-Dobbs chaos. Dr. Emily Silverman — a doctor at SF General and an assistant professor of medicine at UCSF — and abortion provider Dr. Ali Block are dedicating Season 6 of their podcast The Nocturnists exclusively to the issue of abortion access in America. (The series usually tells a range of stories from the world of medicine.) Together, they visit the places where Dobbs has crushed choice, as well as those where abortion is still legal.
As physicians, Silverman and Block’s ability to convey the stresses on abortion providers is key to this seven-part series. On one side, the doctors in states with bans want only to do their jobs without risk of arrest and prison time. (“Oh my god,” one physician recalls thinking as a patient bled out from an unviable pregnancy. “I’m committing a felony and she’s going to die.”) On the other side, the doctors in states where abortion is still legal are often working around the clock, knowing full well they’ll never be able to see all of the patients who need their assistance now.