Lest you be unconvinced of Sinead O’Connor’s abilities of persuasion in the year of our Lord 2019, allow me to direct you to this clip of her singing “Nothing Compares 2 U” last month on The Late Late Show, where, sure, her intonation isn’t perfect, but that isn’t the point. What you see in this clip is a woman who’s been dragged to hell and back for simply saying what was under our noses the whole time, singing a composition by the greatest songwriter of the past 30 years, and still hitting you in the feels.
The point of this is to say that Sinead O’Connor is playing at the relatively small August Hall on Feb. 7, 2020. She hasn’t played the Bay Area in over five years. Tickets, priced at $50, are bound to go fast, and they go on sale to the general public on Friday, Oct. 11, at 10am. You might wanna pick some up at this link right here.