My co-host this week is A-lan Holt, a playwright and co-director for the Center for Diversity in the Arts at Stanford. To no one’s surprise, we talked about the plays we’re most excited about at Bay Area theaters. But there’s lots of music on the show too, including a new violin concerto by film score master Danny Elfman and tropical rocker Hollie Cook. Check it out.
March 10: Vermont folkie Henry Jamison’s tells eloquent love stories in song.
Feb. 16-April 7: Kenyatta A. C. Hinkle’s smokey portraits work to rescue the victims of sex trafficking.
March 1-24: The women in Crowded Fire Theater’s production of Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again. tear down the patriarchy
March 9-11: Theater with brackets in ‘Marsh Madness ‘at The Marsh Theater.