Cinequest, the annual Silicon Valley film festival, is undeniably huge: two weeks, 258 films, and if attendance this year is anything like last year’s, more than 105,000 attendees in San Jose and Redwood City.
As with watching the Olympics, you kind of have to pick your focus or risk getting lost in the enormity of it all. Cinequest is perhaps known for embracing new technologies, like virtual reality and augmented reality, starting last year — but that’s either your cup of tea or it’s not.
So why not dial in on Indian films? More than eight are playing this year, a record for Cinequest.
“We’re in Silicon Valley and the Indian community is huge for us, and has been forever, and we bring some exciting choice every year,” says Halfdan Hussey, co-founder and director of Cinequest, which is now in its 28th year.
In Venus, a transgender Indian-Canadian’s life is thrown upside down when her teenage son shows up.