Ahh, Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re more of a dozen-roses-and-a-reservation-at-an-expensive-restaurant type or a can’t-wait-til-the-next-day-when-all-the-candy-is-on-sale kind of guy or gal, it’s one of those holidays that’s pretty tough to avoid. So why fight it?
Actually, if you’re in that first category I mentioned, you can stop reading right now. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, and I do hope they are plentiful. For the rest of us: There are plenty of ways to see some action this V-Day, and they don’t all involve dropping piles of your own hard-earned dough.
For example: According to CBS, well-known nude activist Gypsy Taub is planning (what else?) a “Valentine’s Day Nude Love Parade” on Saturday, Feb. 13. The event, for which Taub says she’s received an official city permit, will begin at noon at Jane Warner Plaza in the city’s Castro District; organizers plan to march to City Hall and back. And whaddya know? It’s free! There’s more info on mynakedtruth.tv, which — shocking, I know — is a website that I must warn you contains nudity.
Not exactly your bag? Here’s a handful of other options for getting out and about this week that are all $20 or less — it’s this week’s Cheap Date.
Friday, Feb. 12: ‘Let’s Dance: A David Bowie Tribute Party,’ with Queen Bitch, Whiskerman, Dangermaker, and Kendra McKinley. What’s that? You’re tired of Bowie tributes? You shut your face. The man was a supernova, and it’s barely been a month. Plus, this one has some of the best local talent the Bay has to offer — the chance to see Whiskerman, in particular, is one you should always take. $10; details here.