Cy and David's Weekly Picks: Litquake, Political Puppets, and More

Cy and David's Weekly Picks: Litquake, Political Puppets, and More
Now through Feb. 7, 2016: William Wegman: “Artists Including Me.” Now credited with being one of the earliest web-based video artists, Wegman works also visual and verbal puns into his photos, paintings and drawings, never taking himself too seriously. Details here.
Friday, Oct. 9 – Sunday, Oct. 11: Bread and Puppet Theater. This eccentric, 50-year-old troupe embraces music, puppets and stilt-walkers, pageantry and politics. They perform twice in San Francisco this weekend; details here.
Sunday, Oct. 11: Patrick Watson. The singer’s new Love Songs For Robots contains lyrics both dark and whimsical, rock and roll, R&B and a “zest” of folk. Details here.
Thursday, Oct. 15: Sparks and Franz Ferdinand. See what happens when 40-year-old American band Sparks teams up with Scottish indie rockers Franz Ferdinand, after trading songs across the Atlantic. Details here.
Thursday, Oct. 15: Litquake Presents Boots Riley. The annual festival of all things literary kicks off Friday, Oct. 9, and there are more events than we could possibly list here. Tonight, the fest hosts one of the Bay Area’s most beloved (and controversial) hip-hop figures, reading his book Tell Homeland Security — We Are the Bomb. Bonus: Panel featuring W. Kamau Bell. Details here.