As COVID-19 cases continue to surge in California, Alameda and Sonoma are the most recent counties in the Bay Area to be added to the state’s county monitoring list. Counties on the list face increased restrictions for reopening.
With the addition of Alameda on Sunday, seven of the nine Bay Area counties are now on the state’s list, which also includes Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma counties.
Alameda County has the highest number of cases in the Bay Area, and hospitalizations have tripled over the past month.
County health officials say social interactions without face coverings or adequate physical distancing, outbreaks at nursing homes and congregate care facilities, and transmission to health care and other front-line workers likely contributed to the uptick.
Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered counties on the state’s watch list Monday to close indoor activities at fitness centers, malls, salons and houses of worship. On-site office work, unless essential, is also prohibited.