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Coronavirus: UC Davis Isolates Three Students

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UC Davis made the announcement at Mrak Hall. (Greg Urquiaga/UC Davis)

UC Davis has isolated three students “out of an abundance of caution” over the spread of COVID-19, the university said Thursday. The students are roommates who were living in Kearney Hall, according to officials.

Two of the individuals are not showing symptoms of COVID-19, so per CDC guidelines are not being tested, said Dr. Ron Chapman, Yolo County Health Officer, at a press conference. One student has shown mild symptoms and is being tested for the coronavirus. This student is not on campus and is being isolated at home.

Dr. Chapman  said public health protocols to contain the spread of a virus like COVID-19 include isolation and quarantine of people.

“In Yolo and on the UC Davis Campus,” he said, “there is no evidence of the spread or transmission of coronavirus.”

UC Davis is located on unincorporated land in both Solano and Yolo counties. Campus health center staff are asking every student who comes in about recent travel history and about any possible contact with someone known to be sick with COVID-19 , said Dr. Cindy Schorzman, medical director of Student Health and Counseling Services.


Campus  cleaning staff are ramping up their sanitation efforts in all residential and dining halls, said Michael Sheehan, associate vice chancellor for student affairs, and housing and dining services.

“All of those actions are going from what might be a weekly basis in some operations to daily to hourly,” he said, “again, just to be really safe that we are having good, clean, sanitized properties.”

Sheehan said the university is working closely with the students involved to help them be comfortable and manage their workload.

“We’re in week eight of the winter quarter, so they are probably getting a little bit stressed right now about grades and finals that are coming up,” he said. His office is working with the students and academic officials to help the students be successful.

UC Berkeley: No Confirmed Cases

UC Berkeley’s vice chancellor, Marc Fisher, and Dr. Anna Harte, medical director of University Health Services, issued a joint statement Thursday saying there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the campus or in Alameda County at this time. The university’s Office of the President activated its Emergency Operations Center some weeks ago in preparation for handling any cases of the novel coronavirus on campus.

UC Berkeley has been proactively engaged in pandemic planning to make sure there is enough staffing and medical supplies, and, if it becomes necessary, to coordinate isolating or placing under quarantine any sick or at-risk people.

Dr. Harte said in a video on the University Health Services’ website that officials have been actively screening and assessing anyone who comes in to Health Services.

“People who are worried, people with colds and flu — we’re good,” Dr. Harte said. “At the same time, we have plenty of staff who are prepared. We’ve been getting our masks and our gowns in place; we’ve been stocking up on hand sanitizer and working on making sure the campus also has that everywhere. And, if it happens, we will take care of it.”

Dr. Harte issued this reminder: Wash your hands. Wash your hands a lot. And do it for at least 20 seconds.

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