During the Institute, you will develop and implement a multimedia project, either separately or as a team. Project implementation will take place during the spring or summer.
- Each person on a team must be involved in project implementation.
- Projects should be about science. 🙂
- Projects should be student/youth-created.
- Read some tips on Scaffolding for Success.
- Don't forget to have your students fill out release forms.
- Questions? Ask Andrea.
Project Implementation Plan Worksheet
- Sign in to your Google account
- Go to this link for the Project Implementation Plan Worksheet
- In the Google Docs toolbar, go to "File" --> "Save a Copy"
- It will ask you if you want to create a copy of the document. Say OK.
- The document now lives in the Google Docs section of the Google account that you signed in with
- In the Google Docs toolbar, go to "File" --> "Rename"
- Rename the document as YourTeamName_Project Plan
- In the top right hand corner, go to the "Share" drop down menu
- Choose "Sharing settings"
- In the window that opens, at the bottom under "Add people" fill in your team members' email addresses, AND ScienceEd@kqed.org
Multimedia Projects from Past Institutes
Find teacher-created resources for many of these projects below.
- An online map of an ecology trail in the Presidio
- An online map demonstrating physics concepts in action in your neighborhood
- An online map showing the diversity of plants in a nearby creek
- A narrated slideshow explaining a historical earthquake
- A planetary travel "promotional" video
- A video about the properties of an element
- A video about a "newly discovered virus" and its effects on the human body
- A video on a science career
- A video about designing an experiment and the scientific method
- A "how to" video: DNA Extraction from Peas
- A stop motion animation video on animal phyla: Echinoderms (made using iStopMotion and iMovie)
Resources from Past Institute Participants
Check out these projects and resources from the 2010-2011 Institute!