Inserting Photos from Flickr
QUEST makes our photos free for you to use in educational projects under Creative Commons licensing.
- Explore the photos that QUEST has posted on the Flickr photosharing site and choose one you would like to embed in your map bubble.
- Click on the photo and in the "Actions" drop-down menu select "View all sizes." Click on the link for either the Square 150 or the Small 240 image size (these are the sizes we recommend using in a map).
- Put your cursor over the image and right click (or Ctrl-click on a Mac) and select "Copy Image Address/URL."
- Back in your map, open the content bubble where you would like to insert the image, click on “Rich Text” and click on the picture icon (far right).
- Paste the entire URL into the pop-up window from your map and click OK.
- The image will appear in your content bubble and you can now type a caption (or any other information) below. Be sure to click the "OK" button on your content bubble when you are done!
You can also use the process above for other photos on Flickr including your own! To find Creative Commons licensed photos, first search for your topic in the search bar. When the results appear, click "advanced search," which is located just to the right of the blue "search" button. Scroll to the bottom and check "Only search within Creative Commons licensed content" AND "Find content to modify, adapt, or build upon."
Be sure to attribute the photos you use appropriately.
Inserting Other Photos
In order to insert a photo into your map, it needs a specific URL, which means the image is posted somewhere on the Web. Find the photo you would like to use, right-click on it and copy the image address/URL. Remember to follow appropriate copyright/fair use guidelines when using others' images in your maps.