“Slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits” definitely rings a bell. I love researching and I always have. In high school, the librarians knew me by name because I spent more time with books than peers. In college, I would pick paper topics specifically to gain access to the Bancroft rare books library at Cal. In school, it was easy to fuel my nerdy interests and get lost into a battle of wits amongst friends but in adulthood, I have had to search for like-minded people and events. Below is my list of favorites intellectual haunts in the city.
NightLife at California Academy of Sciences
Okay, I am totally biased as I manage the music and programming for the series. But I don’t think I would have explored so many other events if I wasn’t working on creating a “science” party of my own.
Down to a Science Informal Lectures at Atlas Café
This past Monday, I heard Brian Fisher talk about ants at this series. His stories, passion, and enthusiasm filled the room and the audience was captivated. Not only did we see into the fascinating world of ants but we found out why Dr. Fisher screens his calls. His number one question from the public is ‘How do I get rid of the ants in my kitchen?’
Down to a Science Book Club at Book Inc.
In January, we are reading Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice for all Creation which is one of my all-time favorite science books. In the past month, I was introduced to the amazing medical mystery of Prions. The discussion has been small and incredibly lively each time I’ve attended.
Exploratorium after Dark
Okay, I have to admit that I haven’t been to this particular event yet because I work on NightLife on Thursday nights. But I have a group assembled to go check it out during our hiatus in December. I love that they are doing a night like this as I HEART the Exploratorium. I have ever since I visited during bubble day and was able to step into a giant bubble thanks to a lot of bubble solution and a simple pulley system.
LoveTech usually held at Il Pirata
I attended LearnTech which is a part of this series to support my friend who built a navigation portal into fractals. This is a great event that plays with the intersection between art, electronics and music. LearnTech was set up as mini talks and tabling. The talks, interaction, and boundless creativity had me captivated.
Ask a Scientist Informal Lectures held at Axis Café
This is another informal Science Café that has great content. The last one I was able to attend delved into the science behind magic. Even thought the place was packed, the lecture and discussion were lively and funny to boot.
Bookswap held at Booksmith
Reading, being my portal into nerdiness, is a constant pastime. But there are very few times that I get to truly discuss a book let alone several. I brought Mary Roach’s Bonk and swapped it for a Ninja novel. I was also given the recommendation of World War Z. I read it in two days; itt was so well written and absolutely engrossing.
What’s wonderful about San Francisco is this is only a slice of science events in the city. Have you found a haunt in the San Francisco Science Scene? Feel free to share you’re favorites in the comment section below.
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